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    MrHandsy posted the thread Rave success in Stories.
    Just had a very wild night at an illegal rave. These are the places to be right now. And this one was just full of late teens/early 20s...
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    MrHandsy posted the thread This time last year in Stories.
    This concert was amazing. I really hope I have another one soon. I've been away from concerts for awhile, as I've been having so much...
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    MrHandsy posted the thread Comprehensive Guide For New Chikans in Stories.
    Back then before I got on the field I researched the stories of others and tried to pick up as many tips and tricks I could to not only...
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    MrHandsy posted the thread Niece in Stories.
    So my niece Eve has been misbehaving out with boys fighting with her mom all the time apparently. So her Mom kicks her out and my gf...
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    MrHandsy posted the thread GF's little sister in Stories.
    My gf has a young sister, she was a young teen, but man her ass is fucking good, and she always wanders around the house with shorts and...
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    MrHandsy posted the thread Train ride in Stories.
    Man I have to mention how good my day was yesterday. I came 2x with 2 different girls. First one was on a train. It was a teen with her...
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    MrHandsy posted the thread One of my top 3 best groping sessions in Stories.
    I live in North America. Buses get crowded anywhere from 530am-8am and then again at 3-530pm. I haven't had sex in a couple of years now...
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    MrHandsy posted the thread Protest fun in Stories.
    I've only been to one protest about 2 months ago. It was fucking insane man. We marched from the New York nets stadium to a police...
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    MrHandsy posted the thread Hot neighbor in Stories.
    Imagine being in this situation. I had Invited one of my neighbors who I've been wanting to fuck for the past 4 years over my house. I'm...
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    MrHandsy posted the thread sitting in my lap in Stories.
    When I was still in school, one of THE hottest girls in my class became friends with me - 5ft2 slim blonde white chick with beautiful...
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    MrHandsy posted the thread light-skin colleague caught in a crowd in Stories.
    Well the reason I am a bad employee is because where I work I get to press my crotch, dick and hands upon girls asses a lot. If I wasn't...
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    MrHandsy posted the thread Rules in Announcements.
    By usage of this website you agree to the following rules. 1. No harm to minors or any discussion of it. 2. No child pornography or...